Friday, December 28, 2007

Glutathione - Essential to Health

Why your body needs a regular supply of this critical substance, & how it protects you from oxidative free radicals, disease and toxins:

The simplest way to remember what Glutathione (GSH) does for you is to remember the word AID. AID is an acronym for Antioxidant, Immune Booster and Detoxifier.

We have all heard of vitamins C and E but because all other antioxidants depend on the availability of Glutathione, it is referred to as The Master Antioxidant - it is manufactured within the body from 3 amino acids glycine, glutamate and cystiene. We literally cannot survive without it.

Secondly, it is fuel for the Immune system. Elevated GSH levels allow the body to produce more white blood cells and therefore fight off infection and disease. In todays world of high stress which depletes the immune system it is easy to see that anything we can do to boost will be an important aspect of our overall health.

Lastly, and very importantly, we live in a toxic environment and we need Detoxification which is a simple process that removes cellular level toxins from the organs responsible for elimination: kidneys, colon, skin, liver and the lymphatic system. Toxins can disrupt normal flow of the body, cause fatigue, aches and pains and depression – all of which lead to illness. Cleaning the body helps sustain its flow of life, increase energy and assits the immune system. Toxins are absorbed through the water you drink, the food you eat and through the air you breathe. Detoxifiying is one of the most important things you can do for optimal health, vibrant energy and toxic-free living.

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