Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Great News for Athletes

The Holy Grail of Athletic Performance

Talk to any Athlete that takes a protein supplement and ask them what they are really wanting and they will likely tell you Branch Chain Amino Acids. And if your are a body builder, you would likely add Creatine (found in Immunocal Platinum).

HMS 90/Immunocal is rich in BCAA’s, Branch Chain Amino Acids, they are those amino acids responsible for the development of lean muscle mass, ligaments and tendons. Immunocal has a lot of branch chain amino acids in it. In fact Immunocal contains 19/20 amino acids that your body requires to function. The 20th is readily available. You could literally survive on Immunocal (for protein content) by itself.

The recommended dosing for Immunocal would range from 2 to 4 packs per day depending on body weight, current supplementation regime, training intensity and duration etc. One of our 10gram packs of Immunocal contains 2.2 grams of BCAA’s.

Here is a summary of points to which all athletes should draw their attention to when considering taking Immunocal: There simply is NO other protein like this!!!

  • Immunocal is a very bioactive protein nutraceutical. A Cysteine delivery system that raises glutathione levels, raises T cell levels (increased immune response) and very importantly, detoxifies the liver, removing at least 12 known carcinogens and heavy metals from the liver.
  • It is rich in cysteine-cysteine and glutamine-cysteine dipeptides
  • It supplies about 1.8 grams of L-glutamine/glutamate per serving
  • It supplies almost 2.2 grams of essential BCAA’s, (Branch Chain Amino Acids), including 1gram of L-leucine, per serving (amino acids responsible for developing lean, healthy and functional muscle mass)
  • HMS-90/Immunocal contains 0 % fat and lactose
  • HMS-90 reduces muscle soreness (DOMS)(delayed onset muscle soreness) after strenuous work outs or activity

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